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Phono Pre-Amplifier

A true purist design that has become the new reference for analogue playback. Astonishing analogue reproduction combined with unsurpassed flexibility! The 810 LP offers an incredible level of input optimisation for any cartridge to ensure you get the most from your cherished records.

With the MOON 810LP, the development team envisioned a design with absolutely no restrictions; the ultimate goal being to transport all of the emotion from the artist, from the recording studio to your listening room.

The oversized power supply, is housed in an isolated steel enclosure to eliminate all traces of AC artifacts. Within this enclosure is a high quality toroidal transformer, a "pi-type" filter to reduce AC transmission noise and multiple stages of voltage regulation. On the actual audio circuit, there are 4 stages of M-LoVo (MOON low voltage DC regulation circuit), all mounted on a 'floating' PCB.


  • Black

  • Two Tone

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Phono Pre-Amplifier

A true purist design that has become the new reference for analogue playback. Astonishing analogue reproduction combined with unsurpassed flexibility! The 810 LP offers an incredible level of input optimisation for any cartridge to ensure you get the most from your cherished records.

With the MOON 810LP, the development team envisioned a design with absolutely no restrictions; the ultimate goal being to transport all of the emotion from the artist, from the recording studio to your listening room.

The oversized power supply, is housed in an isolated steel enclosure to eliminate all traces of AC artifacts. Within this enclosure is a high quality toroidal transformer, a "pi-type" filter to reduce AC transmission noise and multiple stages of voltage regulation. On the actual audio circuit, there are 4 stages of M-LoVo (MOON low voltage DC regulation circuit), all mounted on a 'floating' PCB.


  • Black

  • Two Tone

Phono Pre-Amplifier

A true purist design that has become the new reference for analogue playback. Astonishing analogue reproduction combined with unsurpassed flexibility! The 810 LP offers an incredible level of input optimisation for any cartridge to ensure you get the most from your cherished records.

With the MOON 810LP, the development team envisioned a design with absolutely no restrictions; the ultimate goal being to transport all of the emotion from the artist, from the recording studio to your listening room.

The oversized power supply, is housed in an isolated steel enclosure to eliminate all traces of AC artifacts. Within this enclosure is a high quality toroidal transformer, a "pi-type" filter to reduce AC transmission noise and multiple stages of voltage regulation. On the actual audio circuit, there are 4 stages of M-LoVo (MOON low voltage DC regulation circuit), all mounted on a 'floating' PCB.


  • Black

  • Two Tone


A dual-mono fully balanced differential design, the MOON 810LP is the ‘Reference' phono preamplifier from the design team in Montreal and firm favourite at Renaissance. Representing an “all out assault” on phono pre-amplification design resulting from a combination of customised parts in an ultra-refined audio circuit which is mounted on a floating suspension and fed by a unique power supply. The audio result is however has no trace of “assault” bit instead can sooth and thrill your ears as you explore your record collection.

Its highly configurable nature – selectable gain, impedance loading, capacitance loading and equalisation curves – is accomplished using DIP switches located on the bottom panel. These switches are located directly in line with the circuit at optimal locations to yield the shortest possible signal path. These adjustments, in conjunction with an excellent overload margin, allow the MOON 810LP to work with virtually any available phono cartridge.

Design features

  • Power supply voltage regulation includes i 2 DCf (Independent Inductive DC Filtering); 1 inductor for each and every IC in the audio circuit’s signal path – 24 stages in all

  • The dedicated audio circuit board is mounted on a 5-point gel-based floating suspension, derived from our M-Octave technology, originally developed for our reference 850P Preamplifier

  • Fully compatible with 820S external power supply

  • Customized parts include metallized polypropylene film capacitors with very tight tolerances of 1%

  • Four-layer PCB tracings with dedicated ground and power planes using pure copper for low impedance characteristics


User manual


10-year warranty


  • Inputs (XLR / RCA): 1 pair / 1 pair

  • S/N Ratio (full scale @40dB gain): 115dBr

  • S/N Ratio (full scale @70dB gain): 95dBr

  • IEC Curve Effect: -7dB @ 10Hz

  • Frequency response: 20Hz - 20kHz ±0.1dB

  • Crosstalk @ 1kHz: -106dB

  • Output impedance: 50Ω

  • THD (20Hz - 20kHz): 0.0008%

  • Intermodulation distortion: 0.001%

  • Input overload @40dB gain (XLR / RCA): 200mV RMS / 100mV RMS

  • Input overload @70dB gain (XLR / RCA): 5mV RMS / 2.5mV RMS

Reviews / Awards

Positive Feedback, December 2023

Secrets of Home Theater & High Fidelity, December 2016

The Absolute Sound, March 2013




In terms of black backgrounds, top-to-bottom transient response, image definition, dynamic contrasts at both ends of the scale, and rhythm’n’pacing, the MOON 810LP was worth its considerable price. It was a model of rhythmic and spatial organisation.


Michael Fremer, Stereophile